Cost Verse Benefits

Yes. The union memberships will cost a small portion of your paycheck (about 1.8 percent), cheaper if you are a student. It is up to the rider if that is a reasonable fee. Riders can participate by becoming a shop steward. Shop steward positions are won by elections. For those actively participating in the democracy the monthly fee in marginal.

Real Benefits

Along with the fraternity of its members the union offers immediate and real benefits like home insurance and protections against loss of theft, travel insurance and saving and retirement benefits. A lawyer can be held on retainer for a very reasonable fee and union-branded winter gear if offered to the riders.

Strike Option

As a result of the strike of 2019 when foodora riders stopped working the union was able to demand a collective bargaining aggreement. This victory is now known globally as a rare example of worker rights over the gig economy. The collective bargaining aggreement and the strike, when members were paid, is all in thanks to the union.

Monthly Meetings

Union representatives meet monthly with Foodora and negotiate rider needs. Without the union there would be less opportunity to alter or even inform foodora about rider issues. Topics covered are idiosyncrasies of the Roadrunner app and rider safety and the method by which breaks are calculated. In all cases, the union is on the side of the rider.

We Are Foodora Klubben

Foodora Club is our local club in the Oslo Transport Workers’ Association, part of the Fellesforbundet in LO (Labor Union). Fellesforbundet is the country’s largest private union with over 160,000 of LO’s total of 950,000.